Marcy and John Beard Picture Set #10 - 6/7/2006

Grenoble and Chamonix

France Photo
I went for a run in the Vercors above Grenoble and found some interesting art

France Photo
And big cliffs

France Photo
Mont Blanc is spectacular!

France Photo
The Mer de Glace

France Photo
People walking on the Mer de Glace

France Photo
Chamonix valley and mountains

France Photo
A halo over Mont Blanc

France Photo
The first 2 people to reach the top of Mont Blanc - my favorite statue ever

France Photo
The telecabine to the Aiguille de Midi

France Photo
It was DANG cold up there

France Photo
John doesn't need a floor to cross this bridge (but I do)

France Photo
The edge of a huge glacier near Mont Blanc